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Every story has a shape.

One More River to Cross

Underground Railroad Heritage Center, Niagara Falls  NY

Historian Judith Wellman's local research uncovered extraordinary stories about ordinary people in Niagara Falls.  Mostly former slaves, they risked themselves to help other freedom seekers. We put their stories in the foreground, emphasizing the places nearby where freedom seekers found help and crossed the river to Canada.  For context we describe tourism in 19th-century Niagara and the legal history of enslavement in North America.  The exhibit ends with  stories from contemporary local people who have sought freedom.

Some images courtesy of Seth Frankel/Studio Tectonic

TripAdvisor review

[B]lends firsthand accounts, primary source photos
and documents with inspirational quotes for an unforgettable experience.


In the end they connect the African American struggles for civil rights with other struggles of our time.

The Buffalo News

[A] simple display on
legal geography...
enables visitors to press
a button and see how
legal documents of the
day affected people.

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